Saturday, July 08, 2006

ALP Provides Ghosts for Police

ghost stairs
Originally uploaded by Sydney Weasel.
Shadow Attorney General, Chris Hartcher, today responded to revelations several Sydney Police Stations are seriously undermanned, saying the figures revealed the true legacy of the Labor Party’s attitude to law and order.

Figures released by NSW Police reveal 45% of Local Area Commands are short staffed. In Sydney, where the problem is most evident - 62% of Local Area Commands are understaffed.

1 comment:

  1. “We now know why Goulbourn Police Academy is suddenly overcrowded. The Government are desperate to shore up Police numbers ahead of next year’s election.

    “Their empty promises for more police won’t even make up for the number of Police lost during this Government’s term in office.

    “These shortages at major metropolitan stations are indicative of the problems caused by the softly-softly approach of the Labor Party in NSW.

    “Bob Carr and now Morris Iemma have maintained an attitude that the perception that police are available to fight crime is good enough. They have allowed police numbers to dwindle away and renew their interest in law and order every four years, just before each election.

    “Now again, recruits are being packed into Goulbourn to turn out a big batch just before the election. Unfortunately, their “nothing in between” policing strategies are already coming home to roost.

    “Our Shadow Minister for Police, Mike Gallacher, has been visiting country towns this week to talk to Police officers, business owners and members of the public.

    “We know this situation isn’t only prevalent in city areas. Country towns, too, are suffering because of a lack of Police.

    “Officers have told the Coalition that in some stations, even some metropolitan stations, it is difficult to round up two officers to man a squad car.

    “That’s not fair and our Police deserve better.

    “Later this year and early next year, just in time for the election, NSW will experience a jump in Police numbers. But as good and as dedicated as they will be, inexperienced cadets and probationary constables will not make up for a lack of experienced, street-wise beat cops.

    “The Government must do better for Police and better for the people of NSW,” Mr Hartcher said.
