Wednesday, July 05, 2006

ALP Neglect Threatens Public Schools

Building Neglect
Originally uploaded by Sydney Weasel.
With no plan for long-term capital renewal and a mounting maintenance backlog, it’s time to lift the building standards of the NSW public school system which is crumbling under Labor’s neglect.

“The NSW Labor Government has neglected the public school system for 11 years and it’s time there was a plan for renewal and the lifting of standards of the school buildings,” Shadow Minister for School Education, Brad Hazzard said today.

“In 11 years of Government, Labor has failed to introduce a long-term capital renewal program, needed by hundreds of schools.”

1 comment:

  1. “The Labor Government has denied the need for capital renewal time and time again and simply cannot continue doing so.”

    “Of the 2,244 Government schools in NSW, hundreds were built in the 40’s, 50’s and 60’s and can’t offer what students in the 21st century need.”

    “These buildings don’t offer flexible learning spaces, including moveable walls and breakout rooms where students can work on projects in smaller groups.”

    “Some classrooms aren’t even big enough to fit computers in.”

    “Other schools such as Cheltenham Girls High School and Balgowlah North Public School have demountable classrooms that are 40-50 years old and are coming to the end of their useful life.”

    “The need for long term capital renewal is compounded by the $116 million[*1] maintenance backlog and the fact the percentage of NSW students in Government schools has dropped from 72% in 1995 to 67% in 2004.[*2]”

    “The Liberal/Nationals call on State Labor to lift standards and introduce a long-term capital renewal plan to help the crumbling public school system – if they don’t, the Coalition will!”

    *1 Source: NSW Auditor General’s Report to Parliament Volume 4, page 27
    *2 Source: ABS Schools Australia 4221.0 publications 1997 to 2004 tables 1 and 6
