Saturday, June 24, 2006

Minnesota Reservists Assemble 'FOB in a Box'

FOB in a box
Originally uploaded by Sydney Weasel.
Unwitting humor here for schoolkids of high refugee intake schools. FOB for these stands for 'Fresh off Boat' and refers to innocent faux pas made by those new to the culture. It's a joke, not a bullying thing ;)
By Army Staff Sgt. Monika Comeaux

CAMP TAJI, Iraq, June 19, 2006 —Take 32 containers, fill them with 4,000 sheets of plywood, 900 sleeping mats and blankets, 60 General Purpose Medium Tents with light sets, throw in some fuel and water cans, spice it up with some heaters and you have a "FOB (Forward Operating Base) in the Box."

The numbers are only approximate, but this is equipment U.S. soldiers from the 428th Quartermaster Company, a U.S. Army Reserve unit from Minnesota, were dealing with, as they assembled a total of five "FOB in the Box" kits in the past eight months.

The kits are used when setting up a forward operating base or if the need for the immediate housing of troops occurs. Each kit can support close to 1,000 soldiers.

“We started dealing with the "FOB in the Box" concept in November 2005. We inherited it from the corps support battalion that we replaced,” said U.S. Army Master Sgt. James Anderson, an automated logistical specialist with the 189th Corps Support Battalion. {Click on image for details}

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